
The Digatil Business System

The Digatil Business System is a comprehensive business system that is used in application to every organization we work with.

It combines the best aspects of a series of business methodologies such as AGILE, SCRUM, LEAN Six Sigma, DevOps, etc. along with proprietary methods that are focused on business scenario simulations and prototyping. The result is an end-to-end, modern and advanced approach to rapidly transforming businesses while mitigating risk.

The five pillars of the Digatil Business System

1. Customers

Customers define operations. The Digatil Business System uses a modern approach to understanding who the Customers are, what they want, and what they need. Part of this is involving the Customers as early as possible in what you build, getting frequent feedback along the way. We take you through a journey of exploration around this with tangible results and a plan of action.

Output of the Digatil Business System:

Journey mapping presentations; customer and market analysis reports; persona (customer profile) reports in terms of problems and wants/needs.

The Digatil Business System

It is the relationship between Customers, People, Technology, Process, and the Market that defines what businesses are and how they operate.

The Digatil Business System addresses these five pillars in an effective and unique way. Throughout all of it, we’re customer obsessed. We work to understand who the end customer is and what their wants and needs are. We work backwards with you from here. How we address the customer needs is part of the process.

2. People

People are the lifeline of your organization. You want them to be engaged. To believe in your purpose. The Digatil Business System provides people analysis in relation to your current skillset stack and your organizational structure. Are there gaps in skills vs. operational requirements? Does your organizational structure align with your operational requirements and vision/strategy? What maturity level is your change management program at? How does all of this align with your system architecture and Customer needs? How does our organizational structure align with the future state?

Output of the Digatil Business System:

Skillset matrix including skillset gap analysis; organizational structure analysis report.

3. Technology

Technology is critical to your operations, and as a tech-focused business, we understand it at its deepest level down to the code. The Digatil Business System provides an approach to clarifying your technology stack including gaps in relation to operational requirements and getting a solid architectural roadmap created and in place. A roadmap that everyone can agree on and one that will actually meet the needs of your Customers now and in the future. We use our industry knowledge and expertise to help you flesh all of this out.

Output of the Digatil Business System:

System architecture plan; system architecture gap report in relation to operational requirements; system architecture audit report; short, medium, and long-term system architecture roadmap; current application suite matrix and utilization report; best practice report; features and new technology identification.

The Digatil Business System

There are many ways to achieve it, but the essential elements Are as follows:

4. Process

Process can seem like a 4-letter word. Through the Digatil Business System, we apply a form of the LEAN Six Sigma method to analyzing existing key processes and identify areas of non-value along with other areas where there may not be sufficient process in place. Further, we link process directly to technology and people as these latter two things often times drive and define exactly what your processes will be. Sometimes technology may cause inefficient manual processes. We figure all of this stuff out, wrap metrics around it so you have a full picture of things and to avoid the pitfalls of adopting new technology that itself ends up imposing a series of laborious manual processes.

Output of the Digatil Business System:

Process maps; FMEA; LEAN Storyboards; LEAN SIPOCs; non-value process reports.

5. Market

The market is defined as the environment that your business is in. While Customers are part of the market but broken out separately in the Digatil Business System, the market here focuses on your competitors, relevant laws and regulations, and industry challenges and opportunities. It’s important to analyze these areas as they invariably affect how you operate today and tomorrow.

Output of the Digatil Business System:

Market research reports; statistics; risk management plans.

Book us for a 1 Day Sprint

A service for your organization any day of the week.

1 Day Sprint...

The 1 Day Sprint is based on the Book from Digatil’s founder called 1 Day Sprint. It’s a rapid 1 day session where a business problem is defined and solved through key collaboration and prototyping. The 1 Day sprint has been designed based on years of experience working with startups and large enterprises. It enables organizations to stop the churn and rapidly get things done. It gets the right people in the room, it provides a framework for high bandwidth collaboration, and provides for innovation and creativity so innovative and high quality solutions are able to be output by the team.

Anatomy of the 1 Day Sprint

This is where you organize the key people who will be part of the 1 Day Sprint along with other resources.

We start the day with looking at key, existing materials that aid in designing a solution to the problem at hand.

At this point, we understand the context and background of the problem, along with what the customers need. The problem is more refined into a formal definition and a consensus reached on the problem definition.

Now that we have a clear problem statement, we rapidly collaborate to identify potential solutions through a series of tools and techniques.

Once a solution is selected, we then move to rapidly prototyping it. Often times, this is a technology product but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. It may be that a process is re-engineered with minimal technological impact and undertakings.

Once we have a prototype, an action plan is developed on next steps.

The next 30 days are about getting things in order to build the prototype. After this initial 30 days, the build shouldn’t take longer than 60-90 days to build and be ready to launch.

Business Consulting

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The Digatil Business System

Our Business Consulting Stack

We simplify business consulting through our proprietary Digatil Business System. This system is the combination of the best parts of various modern business methodologies with our own proprietary methods, systems, and tools. We utilize and apply this system with every client. It’s fluid, flexible, and ensures that the needs of the end customers drive the activities, priorities, and the solutions. We know you’re facing multiple different challenges, including how fast the market is changing. We embrace change and share that passion with you. We use our proven business system to deliver rapid results, and get you moving in the right direction. We partner with you, integrate our team with yours, and get moving on the areas of attention you need. Our staff are industry experts and industry leaders. Their knowledge and experience is provided to you as a valuable asset to your operations.

Customer Analysis

Who are your customers?

Where are they, what are their problems, and how do you solve them? Those are tough questions and if you don’t have clear answers, you’ll face challenges through market fallout. And it’s not enough to answer those questions for a limited time horizon, you also need to forecast farther into the future: this feeds into your vision and strategy.

All of your initiatives and direction should derive from what your customers want. What happens is that, over time, organizations can lose touch with what their customers want and need, and become more or less politicized businesses serving their own needs at the expense of their customers’ needs. This then leads to challenges as market fallout affects revenues and profit and value delivery. We help you address this upfront.

What to expect during this component of the Digatil Business System:

• Customer profiling (Pesona development).
• Workshops and customer journey mapping.
• Collaboration with key stakeholders including key customers.
• Voice of Customers.
• Persona simulations.
• Fast-pace.

This component of the Digatil Business System forms part of the beginning stages of our engagement with you and is critical to further analysis. Customer needs form the foundation and centre-piece of the Digatil Business System, feeding all other component parts and other analysis work.

This component delivers a complete picture of who your customers are and what their problems are. Clearly defining their problems at this stage is key to progressing to the next steps.

People analysis

Who are your customers?

Another main component of the Digatil Business System is people. Often times, the role and function of your people becomes difficult to manage with such rapid change that is demanded of organization’s today. This change is the result of things like the adoption of new technology, new strategies, new projects, new products and services, etc.

Traditional reorganizations aren’t the answer. Understanding how people fit into the other components of the Digatil Business System (process, technology, customers, and the market) is the only way to truly understand how your people are going to fit: we’re moving from one place to another and a chunk of what people do today won’t be relevant in that future state.

This is the human resource side of operations. We look at and analyze your organizational structure and how the lines of business and functions of departments fit with the future state: with where things are headed.

What to expect during this component of the Digatil Business System:

• Complete organizational structure audit
• Business scenario simulations driven by AI and prototyping
• Deep callaboration with various people within your organization
• Skill analysis, training plans, and training delivery
• Organization design: get a new organizational structure that fits with your vision and strategy along with what’s happening with the other components of the Digatil Business System (customer, technology, process, and the market).
• Organization change management: leadership alignment to vision and change; development of a network of change champions throughout the organization; change management support for projects; and regular employee engagement and feedback.
• Resource analysis.
• Fast-pace.

The work done within this component links directly into the centre of the Digatil Business System: the customer’s needs. How should your people function given the changes that are coming where these changes are themselves driven by what your customers are needing? Is this in alignment with the vision and strategy? How do they fit with new technologies and new processes? How will the change be managed?

This component delivers a strategic people and change management plan. At the centre of it is a core organizational structure that is proposed by the Digatil Business System in terms of best practice for your industry and your unique needs.

Technology analysis

Technology is dominating everything today.

So many people have become connected. eCommerce has exploded as more people operate and shop in a digital space with home delivery and click-to-brick. Both your customer facing systems and your internal systems to support consistent, lean, and efficient delivery of products and services need to be in check. The demands this places on organizations today is substantial.

You need to have a systems architecture and a user experience that caters directly to your customer needs today and into an emerging future. It’s not easy to get this right. And even harder to exceed your customers’ expectations.

The Digatil Business System provides a fulsome consulting approach to the technology component of operations.

What to expect during this component of the Digatil Business System:

• Meaningful and deep collaboration with your IT teams.
• Simulations driven by AI and prototyping.
• Frequent customer needs discussions.
• Technology stack audit, including a gap analysis of where your technology stack is and where it needs to be.
• Honest discussions and feedback about where issues are.

We don’t just stop here. We quantify where you are on a scale of modern technologies and innovation, and where you need to be to be competitive, to align with the organizational vision and strategy, and to meet your customer needs.

You’ll get advice and proposals all the way down to the nuts and bolts of systems architecture and the applications and services to run. But it’s not just a mess of documents: we show you through the Digatil Business System’s AI driven simulations and prototypes.

Process analysis

Process is too often treated like a footnote.

However, it’s in many ways the most important aspect of an organization’s operatoins. Process is defined by people, your customer needs, your technology, and your products and services. All of these latter define and shape exactly what your business processes are.

Poor business processes can erode your bottom line and stymie innovation. They do this through how they can segreate people and disrupt communciation flows between them. They can create complacency through such silos. And poor process, which is inefficient and superfluous process, can cost your organization significant time and money. You can lose customers and spend far too much on labour that’s unnecessary.

What to expect during this component of the Digatil Business System:

• Collaboration with many people across your organization.
• AI driven simulations and prototyping.
• Level-setting your main business processes to provide visual clarity and performance measures.
• A LEAN process approach to process analysis to see where non-value added labour exists.
• A complete quantification of various business processes so you understand where the non-value exists and to serve as a foundation for improvement initiatives and decision-making.
• A consideration of what processes are to be imposed on your organization with the adoption of new technology and from new products and services that your organization is creating.
• Business transformation: complete end-to-end transformation of how you operate.
• Robotic Process Automation: automate many labour intensive buisness processes.
• Establishing and mainting an Program of Operational Excellence. Essential pillars of a Program of Operational Excellence are: customer experience, efficiency, cost performance, reliability and predictability, and transparency of processes.

Operating efficiently with a focus on performance, and in a way that’s aligned with your vision and strategy provides a platform to scale your business without having to materially increase resources/headcount. This becomes critical for operational success as things are always in flux and changing to the future state. Don’t get caught chasing the future, get ahead of it by operating efficiently and in a way that’s aligned to the future state.

Market analysis

The market includes your competitors, relevant laws and regulations, and industry challenges and opportunities.

This comprises the landscape of your industry and it’s important to understand it now as well as looking at it from a future lens.

The Digital Business System assumes and expects that everything is always changing, and sometimes that change is so fast that it can be too late for established organizations to catch up to the innovative entrants or to respond to competition and other threats in the ordinary course of business.

Overall, the market presents opportunities and limitations on your operations. Organizations that don’t have a detailed understanding of their market not only face numerous current state challenges, but they will also face obstacles and risk as they move into the future. How can you best position yourself today in the current market? What opportunities are there now? Do you really understand your competitors and where they’re headed? What does the future look like? What are your most significant market opportunities and challenges today and moving into the future?

Getting ahead of your market… of your industry landscape… is what we work with you on to position you to move in a direction today that will be relevant tomorrow.

What to expect during this component of the Digatil Business System:

• Collaboration with many people across your organization.
• AI driven simulations and prototyping.
• Market analysis covering your competitors and industry challenges and opportunities with a clear picture of where the market is at today and where it’s headed up to 15 years out.
• Legal discussions.
• Identification of your regulatory factors
Identification and analysis of the potential partner landscape
• Insight into new product and service opportunities
• New market opportunity identification and analysis

The output of the analysis of this component of the Digatil Business System is a complete picture of your market which includes the various opportunities and challenges that exist. This insight relates itself to the other components of the Digatil Business System, in some cases shaping areas like what technology and processes you adopt, for instance, and is always subservient to customer needs.

Vision and Strategy

Typically, a vision and strategy in today’s market is partially or wholly incomplete.

Organizations are pressured more than ever to keep pace with how fast everything is changing. Your vision and strategy is your bible to guide everything you do. If it’s incomplete or inaccurate, you’ll miss market opportunities and face other challenges like not always knowing what to say yes and no to.

This component is focussed on identifying, clarifying, and formalizing a vision and strategy for your organization. You may have one already fleshed out, and we work through it to understand it and apply it. This is a journey together of discovering who you are, where you want to be, and what we need to do today to get there. The Digatil Business System applies its unique approach and through AI driven simulation and prototyping, we show you your vision and strategy.

The output of the process is a clear vision and strategy and an overall strategic plan for your organization. You may have departmental/divisional strategic plans, but the bigger picture is a rolled up strategic plan that’s your blueprint across all lines of business. The plan is to position you for success for the desired future state. It’s your entire organization’s guide and one that everyone can look to for direction and course correction.

This strategic plan is organized into timeframes as an overall long-term roadmap for your organization. We’ll work alongside you to develop this plan and help you go about implementing it.

What to expect during this component of the Digatil Business System:

• Customer focused and customer driven: the needs of the customer is the centre piece of developing a vision and strategy.
• Simulations driven by AI and prototyping.
• High bandwidth collaboration that’s inclusive.
• Agile, continuous.
• Data-driven.

The pillars of strategic planning are:

• Vision and mission: why you exist and what you see as a successful future. 5+ year horizon through to 15 years out.
• Goals: 3-5 years bursts
• Strategy: how you can achieve your goals and vision.
• Action plan: specifics of what you’re going to do to achieve your vision and goals.

The Customer’s needs are at the centre of the Digatil Business System and inform and shape the strategic plan. This is the unique aspect of working with us as the value you get from a customer focused business system like the Digatil Business System is critical to your success in today’s hyper-competitive environment. If you don’t fully and completely understand your customer needs and how they relate to your vision and strategy, you will miss the mark.

Growth planning

Being able to grow is a consequence of sufficiently and effectively addressing the 5 components of the Digatil Business System.

If there are deficiencies in your understanding of your customer’s needs… if your processes are inefficient and your technology is misaligned… if your people are relatively mis-skilled… and if you don’t sufficiently undertand the opportunities and challenges in your market… you won’t be able to grow your business.

Status quo doesn’t work. You need to go deep into the 5 components of the Digatil Business System to be able to out-compete your competitors and position yourself for the future as a leader. We’ll work with you to develop a growth plan. This growth plan is an output of the analysis of your people, processes, technology, customer needs, and market. With a clear understanding of these latter, a growth opportunities emerge.

Typical questions that get asked and answered in this area are: What new markets can we enter into? What products and services could we enhance and what new ones should we create? What customer facing growth strategies should be engage in? What partnerships should we form to grow our business? What are the business drivers pushing our growth?

What to expect during this component of the Digatil Business System:

• Potential partnership identification
• Identification of expansion opportunities (e.g., additional warehouse / retail locations).
• New business model insight. Unique and innovative business models may provide significant growth for existing or new products and services.
• Offshoring
• Omni-channel strategies to provide an unmatched customer experience
• Identificaiton of business drivers that are related to growth opportunities (e.g., new, lax regulations in a country that provides an opportunity to enter operations there)
• Product and service expansion and new products and services creation and deployment
• Expansion into new markets

The output of this is a complete growth plan that identifies a host of areas of growth opportunity for your business along with strategies and action plans. This relates itself to the 5 components of the Digatil Business System: customers, people, process, technology, and the market.