People & Culture

Develop your greatest asset

Your people and culture are critical to the long-term viability of your entire organization. But making the most out of them is a challenge.​

First, you need to find the right talent, and then you need to reskill your employees, while looking to find the next leaders. You need to balance not transforming too hastily to preserve the deep and rich knowledge that exists within your organization, but changing fast enough so as to be in sync with the outside world.

We help you to tread this line, and to create a mature and agile culture, that gets the best out of each of its employees by encouraging autonomy and fostering innovation and creativity.

Digatil Business Domains associated with this service:

Process: A. Business process



A00001 Process-mapping

Mapping out the key business processes
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Process Analysis

A0002 Process analysis

Establishing and analyzing KPIs and identifying issues
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Process Re-engineering

A00003 Process Re-engineering

Creating new, streamlined / automated processes
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A00004 Benchmarking

Cost of processes; comparison to industry
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End-to-End Value-Stream Mapping

A00005 End-to-end Value-Stream mapping

Organizing processes into value-streams
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Digital Transformation

A00006 Digital Transformation

Automating / streamlining processes through digital solutions
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Business Process Simulations: AI & Machine Learning

A00007 Business process simulations: AI and machine learning

Running scenarios
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Quality Assurance

A00008 Quality Assurance

Creating / implementing quality assurance steps to reduce errors
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Maturity Assessment

A00009 Maturity Assessment

Proprietary maturity assessment scale
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Corporate: B. Strategy & Vision


Maturity Assessment

B00001 Maturity Assessment

Proprietary corporate maturity assessment scale
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B00002 Visioning

Development / identification of corporate vision
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Strategic Planning & Development

B00003 Strategic planning & development

Strategic plan development
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Strategic Alignment

B00004 Strategic alignment

Tactical planning to align with strategy and vision
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AI Simulations

B00005 AI simulations

Running scenarios using AI to see results of ideas
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Corporate Performance Tracking

B00006 Corporate Performance tracking

Balanced Scorecard Implementation
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Technology: C. Technology


Maturity Assessment

C00001 Maturity Assessment

Proprietary maturity assessment scale
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Software Design

C00002 Software Design

Design of software systems
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Business Requirements Alignment

C00003 Business Requirements Alignment

Business requirements collection: alignment to tech
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Application Integrations

C00004 Application Integrations

Integrating various applications together
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Market Research

C00005 Market Research

Researching solutions;trends; different technologies
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Application Audit

C00006 Application Audit

Auditing the installed base of applications using a proprietary method
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New Technology Implementations

C00007 New Technology Implementations

Implementing new COTS, Saas products, etc.
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Technology Retirement

C00008 Technology Retirement

Deprecating technology through phasing them out
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Digital Transformation

C00009 Digital Transformation

Deep integrations between various systems and departments
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AI & Machine Learning

C00010 AI & Machine Learning

Running scenarios to test ideas and concepts
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C00011 eCommerce

Analyzing and supporting various aspects of eCommerce systems
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C00012 Cybersecurity

Best practices to install secure systems
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Risk Assessment

C00013 Risk Assessment

Assessing the risk of technologies
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Data & Analytics

C00014 Data & Analytics

Data lakehouse and centralization
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Privacy, Threat & Risk Assessment

C00015 Privacy, Threat & Risk Assessment

Government-grade threat and risk assessment
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Accelerator / R&D

C00016 Accelerator / R&D

Implementing an R&D environment to build the future
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People & Culture: F. Employees


Persona Identification

F00001 Persona identification

Categorizing employees
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Persona Development

F00002 persona development

Developing employee profiles
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Skillset Matrix

F00003 Skillset Matrix

Current-state skillset of employees
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Organizational Structure Design

F00004 Organizational Structure Design

Designing a new organizational structure
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F00005 Coaching

Connecting with staff and coaching to success
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Leadership Development

F00006 Leadership Development

Implementing ways of developing new leadership
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Human Resources Operations Analysis

F00007 Human Resources Operations Analysis

Analyzing the HR functions and loooking for areas of opportunity
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Behaviour Development

F00008 Human Resources Behaviour Development

Developing a culture of operational excellence
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AI & Machine Learning

F00009 AI & Machine Learning

Running simulations to test our ideas and concepts
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Knowledge & Learning

F000010 Knowledge & Learning

Learning management develoment including tools
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At the Core of our consulting services

... is the Digatil Business System

This system enables us to provide industry-leading results to the organizations we work with. It includes a series of proprietary tools, techniques, and approaches that are the result of decades of practice and research.

The Digatil Business System Advantage

Our capabilities, achieved through our proprietary Digatil Business System, include:

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Book us for a 1 Day Sprint

A service for your organization any day of the week.

1 Day Sprint...

The 1 Day Sprint is based on the Book from Digatil’s founder called 1 Day Sprint. It’s a rapid 1 day session where a business problem is defined and solved through key collaboration and prototyping. The 1 Day sprint has been designed based on years of experience working with startups and large enterprises. It enables organizations to stop the churn and rapidly get things done. It gets the right people in the room, it provides a framework for high bandwidth collaboration, and provides for innovation and creativity so innovative and high quality solutions are able to be output by the team.

Anatomy of the 1 Day Sprint

This is where you organize the key people who will be part of the 1 Day Sprint along with other resources.

We start the day with looking at key, existing materials that aid in designing a solution to the problem at hand.

At this point, we understand the context and background of the problem, along with what the customers need. The problem is more refined into a formal definition and a consensus reached on the problem definition.

Now that we have a clear problem statement, we rapidly collaborate to identify potential solutions through a series of tools and techniques.

Once a solution is selected, we then move to rapidly prototyping it. Often times, this is a technology product but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. It may be that a process is re-engineered with minimal technological impact and undertakings.

Once we have a prototype, an action plan is developed on next steps.

The next 30 days are about getting things in order to build the prototype. After this initial 30 days, the build shouldn’t take longer than 60-90 days to build and be ready to launch.

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